
take counsel with中文什么意思

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  1. Her idea was to take counsel with jake .
  2. A cat caught a cock, and took counsel with himself how he might find a reasonable excuse for eating him .
  3. The court took counsel with the lawyer
  4. She took counsel with her lawyer
  5. If only i ' d taken counsel with my mother , i would not be in such difficulties


        take:    vt. (took; taken ) 1.(用手)拿,取 ...
        counsel:    n. 1.商议;劝导,忠告。 2.〔古语〕深思熟虑,审慎 ...
        take counsel:    商量, 征求意见; 商量,征求意见
        take counsel with oneself:    仔细考虑
        take counsel with sb:    与某人商讨
        counsel:    n. 1.商议;劝导,忠告。 2.〔古语〕深思熟虑,审慎。 3.意图,目的,计划。 4.法律顾问,辩护人。 Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action. 熟思断行。 He takes counsel of his heart, but not of his head. 他感情用事而不理智。 the King's [Queen's] C- 王室法律顾问。 adopt a counsel of despair 采取自暴自弃[不顾一切]的态度。 counsel for the Crown 〔英国〕检查官。 follow sb.'s counsel close 牢记某人忠告。 give counsel 提出忠告[建议]。 keep one's own counsel 不暴露自己意图。 take counsel (with) 与…商量。 take [hold] counsel together 协商。 take counsel with oneself 好好考虑考虑。 take sb. into one's counsel 和某人商量。 vt. 忠告,劝告。 vi. 互相商议;提出劝告[建议];接受劝告[建议]。
        a counsel of perfection:    要别人十全十美的要求, 达不到的理想
        advice and counsel:    忠告与建议
        appeal counsel:    上诉律师
        appointment of counsel:    辩护人的指定
        assigned counsel:    公设辩护人
        assignment of counsel:    指定辩护人
        assistance of counsel:    辩护人有效援助
        assistant counsel:    助理巡视员
        barrister counsel:    律师
        chamber counsel:    法律顾问;(律师的)私人意见,鉴定。
        chambers of counsel:    大律师事务所
        chief counsel:    主任顾问
        co-counsel:    协理律师
        cold counsel:    [news] 不愿听的忠告[通知]。
        conveyancing counsel:    拟制转让证书的律师
        corporate counsel:    公司法律顾问; 企业法律顾问
        counsel fee:    律师费
        counsel for the defence:    辩护律师, 被告律师
        counsel for the defense:    被告辩护律师



  1. take control of your mind and meditate 什么意思
  2. take control of, to 什么意思
  3. take conveyance without authority 什么意思
  4. take cost into account 什么意思
  5. take counsel 什么意思
  6. take counsel with oneself 什么意思
  7. take counsel with sb 什么意思
  8. take count of 什么意思
  9. take count of votes 什么意思
  10. take courage 什么意思


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